Monday, March 31, 2008

What Is COM And How It s Related To Registry Cleaner

What exactly does COM mean? What does it stand for and what does it do? COM in this article means Component Object Model and it is a Microsoft software architecture that can be called up to perform certain functions during the course of running a program or application as it is called in the Windows environment.

COM is an acronym for Component Object Model. This is a software architecture developed by Microsoft Corporation and is used to define a certain structure used to build program routines, known as objects that can be called up for execution in a windows based environment. COM was first built into Windows 95 and Windows NT.4.0. many parts of Windows operating system and some applications developed by Microsoft s developers have built in COM objects. Com Objects are stored in the registry of a system and are one of the things that need to be cleaned with registry cleaner.

So What Exactly Does COM Do?

Com is that part of a program that provides an interface between objects. A counterpart DCOM or Distributed COM allows the objects to run remotely. COM is implemented in different ways. Objects can be large small or medium and are written in different programming languages to perform any kind of processing of a file or code. Programs call on objects whenever the program needs the services of the object and the Common Object Model acts as the interface between the program and the object. COM will link common objects to different programs that need them. That is why even though the program may be uninstalled the common object will not be removed. This fills up the registry and slows down a PC. A computer registry cleaner will remove all unwanted entries from a registry and speed up the system.

COM and ActiveX

ActiveX controls can call up COM objects called controls . These controls just blend into the program and become part of the program when called up by COM. OLE also uses COM services in the windows environment. Standard applications, such as word processors and spreadsheets, can be written to expose their internal functions as COM objects, allowing them to be "automated" instead of manually selected from a menu. Microsoft s OLE compound documents are based on COM, which lets one document be embedded within or linked to another (see OLE). ActiveX Documents are extensions to OLE that allow a Web browser, for example, to view not only Web pages, but any kind of document.

Microsoft Corporation is increasingly making its standard programming interfaces conform to the COM object model so that there is continuity between all interfaces in the Windows working environment. In the beginning Microsoft Corporation decided to use the term OLE to refer to its COM-based architecture, then later decided to drop that designation in favor of ActiveX. Now since both OLE and ActiveX are based on COM, the term COM is also used. As a result, any combination of the words COM, OLE and ActiveX followed by the words control, object and component may mean the same thing, or they may not, depending on the context they are referred to.

So in the end we are given to understand that Common Object Model is ActiveX and vice versa in relation to the environment they are working in. All this automatic activity only feeds the registry with information it may not have to retain. But there is no way to rid the registry of this data except with the help of a windows registry cleaner. A PC registry cleaner will remover from the registry all unwanted information thus making the system more efficient sharee nelle

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Saturday, March 15, 2008

Remanufactured HP 2500 Printer Cartridges Can Conserve Your Money

Without printers that function reliably, we could not perform in our offices, workplaces, and companies. Printers in turn need HP toner cartridges to print properly, since a printer that cannot put ink on the paper is useless. Therefore, the humble printer HP 2500 cartridge is an absolute requirement for any company to run properly.
One of the major issues with using printer cartridges is that they run out of toner. And when that happens, the cartridge is no use. The expense to buy new cartridges can be astronomical. But one way you can keep your costs lower is to start buying remanufactured toner cartridges. They have high availability, are reliable, and can really make your budget go further without compromising quality.
Many companies have been started which specialize in cleaning, repairing, and refilling used cartridges. In this manner HP 2500 toner cartridge is being recycled and employed again at a much lower cost to consumers. If you are looking for toner that is compatible with your printer, including the HP LaserJet, you may want to look on the web. Online merchants will give you the best values for your money whether you want a black and white cartridge or one with colored toner.
Do not worry about whether the cartridge will perform well. Remanufactured models work just as well as new ones. The HP printers you own can accept items such as compatible remanufactured HP C9703A> without a problem at all. There is simply no reason to spend the high costs for new cartridges when you can get equivalent performance with a remanufactured one.
Here s an added benefit if you still need convincing. Remanufactured HP laserjet 2500 toner and other cartridges are wonderful for the environment! Remanufacturing, after all, is a form of recycling. Remanufactured cartridges cut down on waste that would otherwise go into lanfills. Since plastic is not biodegradable, this waste would be around forever. By buying remanufactured, you can save both money and the environment simultaneously!
Do your research when you look for toner so that you ensure you purchase a HP Q3961A of great quality. Not every distributor is as consistent in performance as they need to be. Help yourself by examining the cartridges looking for defects before installing them. Search for streaks, scratches, and anything that looks out of the norm. If you find anything wrong, immediately request a refund or an exchange.
These HP 2500 toner cartridges are available in multiple places, from retail stores to the web. Both ink and toner cartridges are sold in remanufactured form. Prices are generally low, and certainly lower than brand name cartridges. You can find the best prices and best selection when you search on the web. When doing your toner and supply shopping, check them out! Every bit of money saved counts.
The HP printers generate quick, quality jobs making them a good addition to any company. These printers use easy to mix HP toner, producing professional quality printing at low density. Expense is the main shortcoming for both the printers and the Q3960A, with printer costs often over $2500 and toner about $100 for black and $200 for color. Online toner discounts are everywhere, with even more savings for high quantity orders. Another method to economize is the use of HP-compatible cartridges which will work with these models at a much lower price.

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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The World of Warcraft In-Game Economy Comes Real

The World of Warcraft phenomenon might be affecting people in a more subtle way than we think. Yes, there have been some cases of dearth (allegedly) caused by over-exposure to WoW, but what s even more disturbing is that people are beginning to spend important amounts of money for this game.
As you know, the World of Warcraft is virtual world in which various characters interact each other, everyone representing a player. In order to buy items, services and various goods the player needs virtual gold, the currency of the WoW world.
Actually, the main source to earn gold is undertaking quests and interacting with the other characters (human and non human). Anyway, on the Internet there are many sellers of WoW gold, willing to give a player the desired amount in exchange of real money. For instance, there are online auctions or websites devoted to gold trading such as
Real WoW addicts love those kind of transactions, because they want to improve their character, equipping it with new weapons, buying skills and more.
However, now there is an alternative way to obtain World of Warcraft Gold, that doesn t require any form of payment. And in order to find out what this alternative offers, go to You re sure to make some economies, by following the advice from the website.

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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Is the Printer on its Way to the Grave?

Oh no! Not again! I have run out of printer ink again twice in 2 months. My niece has been printing images for her school project. It s so exasperating. A few days back, my inkjet printer stopped working after serving me for a year and refused to start even after all my efforts at reviving it (the last resort was giving it a few knocks instead of a mouth to mouth resuscitation). Now, I will have to go through all the hassles of changing the cartridge. And to think how much these cost!
My friend was sitting and reading the newspaper when he heard me thus exclaiming.
As usual he had a wise crack to further exasperate me . Why don t you get rid of the printer totally" Oh yes, why not? And how will I manage to print my stuff without a printer?
Well, you can try sticking the paper to the monitor to get an imprint on the paper. Only you may need to buy a special PC and paper for the purpose. Wow! This is Einstein reincarnated.
And what about printing the documents? I ask, playing along with his idea.
For both, you will need to remodel your PC/Laptop. Attach a paper tray to the PC. Have a slot for a paper tray on the side of your laptop, a la a CD drive or floppy drive. Once you give the print command, the paper will go in from one side, get printed on and come out from the other. Don t you think I am great?
Sure. You have the most fertile mind around. Why are you not working with PARC?
Come to think of it, what do you think we will do if there was no printer in the world? There have been endless discussions on a paperless world, but what about a printerless world. A paperless world is not a reality, at least for quite some years now. In fact, it has been seen that the demand for paper has increased with the growth in global business.
The change from analog cameras to digital ones has also helped in this growth of demand as it has brought printing out of the professional dark rooms to our study rooms. We can now take unlimited number of images without incurring the extra cost of film rolls. The more the number of images, the more the urge to print. It is difficult to replace the use of paper in all business and legal dealings, or when prescribing medicines, printing e-tickets or issuing boarding passes, packing shipments, or going to bed with a printed book in hand.
Environmentally speaking, we can foresee a restricted use of paper. Therefore, if the use of paper is permanent, the use of printers should also be permanent.
According to a recent article in, it seems we will soon have printing facilities where ink cartridges will be redundant. Zink Imaging, a Waltham, Mass., firm whose name suggests its ambitious objective: zero ink, promises a technology of printing photos without ink, a printer cartridge or a cumbersome printer occupying space alongside your PC. The company s researchers have been working towards the development of a special kind of photo paper that needs no ink. It will also result in the redundancy of expensive printer housings or cartridges.
The printers will have to be embedded into portable devices such as digital cameras or into accessories for cell phone cameras. Presently, the Zink prints 2-by-3-inch picture in 30 seconds and comes out developed and dry, unlike the Polaroid cameras of the 1970 s. A thermal heating process is applied to print the images on paper, similar to fax machines. The plastic paper has layers of plastic in the middle with numerous minuscule crystal dyes that can be stimulated by heat. You can get the different colors by heating the paper at different degrees and for varied time spans. The basic colors can also be mixed to print any color. Zink can print only on special paper and currently poses no threat to companies like Hewlett-Packard, Epson, Canon and others. It is slightly costlier than inkjet prints but with time the cost will surely reduce.
Zink is trying to cater to the market demand of portable printing for someone who wants prints immediately. It is aiming at making our lives simpler by eliminating inks from printing. The next innovation will certainly be a physical elimination of printers from our lives.
I don t think the day is far off when my friend s imagination will become a reality and we will actually be taking prints from in-built printers.

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