Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Future Of Bluetooth - What is the Future?

Because & 39; it meets the basic needs of connectivity in close range, Bluetooth has a very bright future ahead of him. Bluetooth is actually the result of initiatives & 39; nine major communications and computer giants & 39; s & 39; industry, including 3-COM, Sony, Lucent, IBM, Nokia, Microsoft, etc.

Since training the initial group over 1800 manufacturers around the world have joined this initiative. According to information received, the Bluetooth technology should be integrated in more than 100 million & 39; devices, with more than 670 million Bluetooth devices & 39; activated.

Resulting of & 39; surprising success of WAP (Wireless Application Protocol), & 39; adoption of smart phones and hand-held devices, Bluetooth can easily have a tremendous impact on your life. Bluetooth is a key technologies that can help make society l & 39; mobile information occur, by blurring the possibilities between home, office, and the outside world.

The seamless integration and Bluetooth connectivity promises, it will be possible & 39; explore a wide range of interactive content and very transparent personalized services that are actually quite difficult to dream of simply because of the complexity inherent these devices communicate with each other.

Many Bluetooth products pilots have already been deployed on the market and supported by major suppliers, which is a sign for the whole & 39; l & 39; acceptance of the technology. The support of Bluetooth & 39; n is not limited to companies that develop products only Bluetooth.

The Bluetooth applications can have a powerful impact on d & 39; other industries. L & 39; adoption of Bluetooth technology is expected to spread throughout the & 39; computer industry.

Unlike infrared technology, Bluetooth is used by many wireless devices. Bluetooth offers exceptional quality for wireless short-range, even through walls and obstacles. Although the infrared & 39; is the biggest competitor at that time, Bluetooth goes away, to prove that millions c & 39; is the wireless communication technology today & 39; d & 39 ; hui and & 39; age.

In the beginning, Bluetooth began with version 1.0, then gradually from there. The current version is 2.0 + EDR, with another version currently under development. The technology behind the Bluetooth specification always do better, and c & 39; is why it is so popular.

In l & 39; future, you can expect behind Bluetooth technology to get better. Bluetooth is & 39; s proved to be the standard wireless future, offering wireless connectability for hundreds of different devices. For cellphones & 39; or other forms of wireless connections, Bluetooth is a technology that you do not want to find

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Saturday, April 26, 2008

How Computer Society Benefits From Spyware Scan

Spyware scan is similar to spyware detection and is used worldwide in preventing spyware infection in computers.
Spyware spyware scan is a tool for removing spyware that checks computers, helps remove spyware and adware. When the detection process is complete, the tool displays a report describing the outcome, even if that is the case, spyware were detected and asked you before the removal process. Some forms of spyware on notice PC is slow performance when opening programs or saving files, unwanted pop-up windows, hijacked browser home page, repeated change in your browser& 39;s home page, error messages or random new and unexpected toolbars on your browser .
With the help of spyware scan, scanners and spyware can scan and clean your computer of malware, without having to install additional software on your computer. Free spyware scanner finds malicious spyware so you know what& 39;s hiding in the PC. He is being used by millions of computer users, it easily reveals its level spyware infection. Several companies provide free customer support. Most of them are also the most technologically advanced spyware research system in world.
You not need to scan and restart the computer several times since the spyware scan is done. A sweeping, it will stop spyware, and you& 39;re ready to continue with what we were doing. There are insurmountable support for research, complete removal and shielding technology, and an easy to use interface, this industry.
Spy sweeper, CounterSpy and global trend leads micro spyware scan best ratings of programs. Some have a unique feature to clear the use internet files so that nobody can track their activity. You have the ability to easily erase your Internet browser& 39;s cache, browser history, media player history, the story real player, windows search history, temp files, windows run history, history and document windows trash history.
Spyware scan blocks spyware and offers three different types of surveys, rapid scanning, complete scanning and scanning customized. You can further customize their search by choosing to ignore certain types of spyware components in the search. In other words, you can make a whitelist of components. Conversely, you can always choose to exclude other types of spyware. There are a lot of customization available in some programs spyware scan. A sign of software is well developed its capacity to bend to the needs of its users, regardless of their skill level. A novice can use as resources protection programs " active with the default settings and receive excellent defence, but a more advanced user can select exactly what the program protects against what he ignores and, depending preference.
Author is admin and / or technicians associated with the development of computer security and performance of software as the strengthening of the Secretariat Cleaner, Anti Spyware, Window Cleaner, Anti anti-spam filter. Visit: Home Page. Learn secrets to an efficient Anti Spyware. Visit informative PCMantra Resource Centre for more information on products.

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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Viral Videos Now Prime-Time TV

I flipped on VH1 yesterday and sat enthralled as a rap artist with colorful language skills hosted "Web Junk 20" where they played 20 videos plucked from the web and played them on cable TV.
Last night I saw that Bravo Channel now airs a show called "Outrageous and Contagious Viral Videos" in the afternoon and evening.
The show features videos found online, focusing on funny, creative and "blooper" style content (though they skipped the foul-mouthed rap star).
Though most of the viral videos currently getting air time on TV get ooh s, aah s and laughter, the fact that "viral videos" are now a part of everyday reality has serious business implications.
For those of you without a teenager or that one "special" friend who always sends the latest joke or video every time you open your in-box, let me bring you up to speed.
A "viral video" is a video played from a web page or as a file on your computer. It goes "viral" because one person sees it and passes it on to more people, who in turn pass it on to their contacts (like a cold virus).
This social interaction is the gas in the video s tank to help it drive around the web, sometimes getting millions of views all over the world.
Now, once we get beyond the "jackass" stunts, bloopers, and giggles, the principles that drive viral videos can help generate serious traffic to business websites.
These videos go viral in a general market because they play to interests and emotions we all share, including: laughter, horror, lust, and sadness. In the absence of any other common factors, we, as humans, all love to laugh, etc.
In business, we ve learned that niche markets make it much easier to sell a product or service because we can group people based on profession, physical characteristics, and interests.
For example, a dental supply salesman knows to target dentists and hygienists, and would not bother calling on a craft store.
On the web, a dog trainer knows they should target dog lovers, and if they re really smart, they target owners of a specific breed of dog.
Anyone who sells anything to anyone online can harness the power of viral videos to get traffic to their website simply by targeting their videos at a specific audience and appealing to the same emotions that encourage people to pass along other viral videos.
** Humor ** Put a smile on people s faces, make them laugh, give them a moment s break from a hectic day and they ll love you for it (and want to share it with their friends).
Who says you can t make a "how to" video for your customers wearing a chicken suit!
** Short and Sweet ** The best videos that keep people s attention last under 6 minutes. When starting out, try to keep your videos under 2 minutes, especially if they contain mostly "commercial" content.
** "Ask To Pass" ** Sometimes a simple sentence of "Hey, if you like this video, feel free to pass it along to a friend" at the end of your video will start the viral effect rolling.
** Go Where The Viewers Go ** Once you ve distributed your video to your existing customers and asked them to share it, put your videos out where new people can see them.
Start with http://Video.Google.com, iFilm.com, and YouTube.com and then keep your eyes open for new places to post your videos to attract new viewers.
Copyright 2006 Jim Edwards

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Three Steps To Windows Safety Heaven

Now there are Three Steps To Heaven
Just listen and you will plainly see
How virus and hackers attack and destroy
Your precious internet-connected computer toy
Just follow steps one, two and three

Step one Run windows update automatically each day
Step Two Always keep your antivirus running and updated
Step Three Install and configure a firewall

Faster Virus

Today can many viruses find and infect a computer connecting to internet in less then 5 minutes, even if the computer connects to internet using a modem. And how much time will the 24/7 connected computer not give the bad guys?

So leaving a computer without proper protection is not advisable.

What to do?

There are measures one can do to bring down the risk of intrusion, virus attacks and similar, to a level so low that it is acceptable even for a large corporation.

1. Use Microsoft Windows update. With an internet connection like dsl or adsl (continuous), set windows update too automatically to run each day. For modems, try to run it every time you go online.

2. Keep a good antivirus program installed (there are good commercial as well as free choices). Equally important, check the virus definition dates at least a couple of times per week. Making sure they really are updated.

3. Use a firewall. Buy a cheap hardware firewall. But remember that they only protect from incoming threats. For a two way protection, get a software firewall. Almost all software firewalls can protect you from incoming and outgoing unwanted traffic. However, it does this at the cost of a more complicated configuration.

Can you secure a computer completely?

Not if you attempt to use it for normally. Even military grade security has problems maintaining the security intact. There are just too many variables to consider.

So, keep important personal information encrypted or on a computer without network access (look at Paris Hilton in the news. She had her computer stolen with very, very personal information in it).

Companies should also make sure that they have addressed point 1-3 above.

Final Notes

There is something called backup! Everybody has heard it, most know what it is and only a few selected use it. I will say this only once.

Make regular backups on all-important data. This way can you at least restore it after reinstalling your computer (if viruses have a party in it).

Follow the advices outlined here and you will at least be three steps closer to heaven!

Kenth "The Designer" Nasstrom is the founder of The Designed Software Series. His software can be found at http://www.kndata.com and he also owns http://www.free-newslettertemplates.com as well as http://www.costa-rican-information.com

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